Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dear Parents,

Finally those SLA are out of our way and we can get on with the normalcy of things.

We started our spelling program this week, so here is the routine. On Monday the words will go home with your child in their agenda. If you think a word is misspelled or you can't read it, please have them login to spelling city and they can check  their words under their spelling group heading.  Logins will be put in agenda on Monday. They might already know it. In their agenda is their login and group name. I will test on Friday unless it is a short week than it will be Thursday. Also each week their will be assignments for your child to complete, this is a optional activity but it will help them learn the words.  If you have any concerns or questions please email me.

Our RAH (reading at home) program is off and running. YOUR JOB is to sign their agenda each time they read and record the minutes.  Every Friday I have a parent that will count the minutes in your child's agenda to see if they have reached 400 minutes. When they have accumulated this much they get an apple on the wall, a certificate and a small treat. After they have read 1200 minutes which is three apples they get a free lunch at A&W.  At the end of the year we have an ice cream party with Mrs. Barker class and in order to be eligible your child must have one apple on the wall (400 minutes of reading in the year).   Also I have some big prizes for my top two winners and I do a draw for other prizes for those that have apples on the wall. I hope this clears things up.

Mathletics, is a new program our whole school is signed up for. I will each week assign some topics that we have covered in class, you can have your child do the activities as supplemental work and it will help them in the classroom on their learning. Again, this is optional but I suggest using for success in their learning. Logins are glued in agenda, if some have gone missing I am regluing a new batch on Monday.

Thanks for your support.

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